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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/17/12 Heirs of the Promise Bill Robinson N/A N/A robinsonbill_20121017.mp3
10/15/12 God Who is With Us Bill Robinson N/A N/A robinsonbill_20121015.mp3
10/14/12 The Resurrection Factor Bill Robinson N/A N/A robinsonbill_20121014a.mp3
10/14/12 The God Who Heals Bill Robinson N/A N/A robinsonbill_20121014b.mp3
10/07/12 Behaving Like the People of God-Rom 12:9-21 Dan Roper N/A N/A roperdan_20121007a.ppt roperdan_20121007a.mp3
10/07/12 There is no Authority Except from God  Glen Hawkins N/A N/A hawkinsglen_20121007b.ppt hawkinsglen_20121007b.mp3
09/30/12 Sufficiency of Scripture  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120930a.ppt kinzeltom_20120930a.mp3
09/23/12 Backsliding Preventives  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120923a.mp3 kinzeltom_20120923a.ppt
09/16/12 Joy Inexpressible  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120916b.mp3 kinzeltom_20120916b.ppt
09/16/12 Scripture Cannot Be Broken  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120916a.mp3 kinzeltom_20120916a.ppt
09/09/12 Inspiration of the Scriptures  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120909a.ppt kinzeltom_20120909a.mp3
09/02/12 Dealing With Disappointment Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120902b.mp3 kinzeltom_20120902a.ppt
09/02/12 Determining the Canon of the Bible  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120902a.mp3 kinzeltom_20120902a.ppt
08/26/12 Contradictions In The Bible  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120826a.ppt kinzeltom_20120826a.mp3
08/19/12 Mathew 5 David Wheeler N/A N/A wheelerdavid_20120819b.mp3
08/12/12 Fear to Confidence  David Reel N/A N/A reeldavid_20120812a.ppt reeldavid_20120812a.mp3
08/12/12 The Most Challenging Sermon Keith Storment N/A N/A stormentkeith_20120812a.mp3 stormentkeith_20120812a.ppt
08/05/12 Am I a Legalist?  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120805b.ppt kinzeltom_20120805b.mp3
08/05/12 Knowing With Certainty  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120805a.mp3 kinzeltom_20120805a.ppt
07/29/12 What Shall I Render to the Lord Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120729a.mp3
07/22/12 Partakers Of The Divine Nature Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120722a.mp3 kinzeltom_20120722a.ppt
07/22/12 The Christian's Clothes  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20120722b.ppt kinzeltom_20120722b.mp3
07/15/12 Why Call Me 'Lord, Lord' and Do Not Do the Things I Say? Tom Kinzel Teen Lectures 2012- Questions Jesus Asked N/A kinzeltom_20120715a.mp3 kinzeltom_20120715a.ppt
07/15/12 How Shall We Neglect So Great a Salvation? Nathan Quin Teen Lectures 2012- Questions Jesus Asked N/A quinnathan_20120715b.ppt quinnathan_20120715b.mp3
07/14/12 Where Are Those Who Condemn You? Tom Kinzel Teen Lectures 2012- Questions Jesus Asked N/A kinzeltom_20120714b.mp3

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